Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sorry its been forever my dear readers :) so, since I've done so much, this will seem like a really random blog...

So for Halloween, Paige and I went over to Michael and Robby's house to straighten Michael's curly hair :)It took us about 45 minutes, but was soooo fun! After this, we headed over to the professor's house for a Halloween party.
The party was really fun--we ate candy and carved pumpkins...

On Thursday night, we went to the MTC to volenteer--this is the temple from the window.

Helping the new missionaries was a ton of fun! The two elders that I listened to had been in Madrid for 3 weeks; one was from Ogden, Utah, and the other was from England. They spoke very well for only having been there for--yaya for the gift of tongues!

After this, we (Me, Paige, Carmen, Raven, and Robby) went salsa dancing at a little club in Puerta del Sol. It was way cool--especially considering we didn't have to pay to get in. I guess we forgot the fact that we had a trip the next morning because we didn't leave until 2am...

This weekend was our last trip. We spent the day in Toledo, and it was gorgeous!

I hope this picture looks alright--I just found this panoramic setting on my camera a few weeks ago....I've only had my camera for a year now....anyways, Toledo is famous for their gold works among other things so I got some pretty jewelry and other stuff that I won't mention because they're Christmas presents :)

Don't worry family, I am making friends :)

By the way, this picture above is the group I'll be traveling with afterwards! (The guy kissing Paige is Bill, or Will, or whatever we feel like calling him that day... :))

So this morning, Encarni woke us up around 10am (Paige was not happy about this) to tell us she had made us churros and chocolate for breakfast! I dont know if you can tell from this picture, but the chocolate is like pudding...

and the churros are not the kind of things you get a costco...

Anyways, the idea is to dip the churros into your huge glass of chocolate pudding--while that sounds like heaven, keep in mind this little fact that I totally didnt realize. You're expected to drink whatever chocolate is leftover in your cup after you eat your churros........lets just say that this was one of the more painful spanish experiences as it was much too early for chocolate anyways, and its much too this and semi-sweet to enjoy. I couldnt finish and came straight upstairs to lie down for a few hours.

Anyways, heres a picture of us (still in pj's) eating. From left to right: Encarni, Edu, Suzie, Paige, Me, Angel.

Here's another family Pic that we took after the talent show tonight...