Monday, September 15, 2008

Soria stinks but Silos is swell

So this weekend we went to Silos and Soria in northern Spain. Silos was wonderful! we got to listen the world famous at this gorgeous monastary conected to this convent...

It was actually pretty cold out which was a nice change from Alcala.

Soria however was not so great. We stopped there overnight and it honestly stunk, literally. Like manure and there was not a farm to be seen....but whatever, at least we dont have to stay there.

On our way back to Alcala on Saturday we stopped at this sweet gorge to hike through it. The name of it translated to "throat of a vulture" or maybe turkey or something, cant really remember...
anyways it was really pretty and a nice break from the ever breaking nerves of tour bus life.

We also hit up a place called Numancia where they have really cool (that might be an exageration) ruins of another "last stand against the Romans" village. Well, I suppose I was just dissapointed that they were recreations rather than ACTUAL structures...also, the scenic view was awsome, so heres another jumping picure...

One of the stops I did find really awesome though was this cathedral we stopped at...

It almost looks like a castle on a hill, but its actually a structure built around the mountain. You actually enter through a cave entrance and climb up through the mountain at the same time youre in the cathedral. I know, sweet huh!?